Monday, April 03, 2006

Maussoui's Trial

I'm trying to beat a deadline here. Blogspot has slown down to a crawl and I've had trouble getting on and I wanted to do this before the verdict came back, which is due in about.....15 minutes.

Do I think maussoui deserves the death penalty...yes. He was plotting against the United States and was in the loop with Al Queda. I believe he is guilty of everything that the government accuses him of.

Now do I believe he was the key to the whole thing, probably not.

He was a radical muslim with ties to Al Queda, he did take pilot's training, he was an terrorist training camp....however, I also believe that this guy was so uncontrollable that even the Al Queda operatives had to stand back and say "Whoa", this guys gonna get us killed. Of source this boils down to a matter of timing. They planned on dying, just not because some asshat that was in their operation couldn't wait to get his 72 raisins and screwed up their plans on the timing for their fruit baskets.

Should he die for his actions? That is a tricky question. He certainly deserves it for his (minor though it may be) involvement in plotting the deaths of innocents, but that is what he wants. He has inflated his importance to the operations of 9/11 to help him become a martyr, so he should be stuck in a hole for life without parole and just left to sit out his days on earth ignored.

UPDATE: It has been decided that he is eligible for the death penalty. So in about 5 years, this would be settled, the another 20 before the sentence could be carried out...hell, I'll be dead by then.

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