This was one of the picts tied to an Email sent to me today about a hamburger joint in Chandler, Az. Damn, I was in Phoenix just 3 weeks ago. Would have gone by, if I knew it was there. My host in Phoenix will hear about this oversight.
Here's their site: Heart Attack Grill (Sound on for the theme song.)
That was something I needed to run into today. Work hasn't been bad, but the crap going on with the bailout of the sub-prime companies has kept my blood pressure up at the limits. I now have 2 2/3 days off before my stint on graveyard shift.
Other things I ran into.
This is great: Evolution of Wedding Dance. Look like a fun loving couple. (Peruse the site, Deej has got some great stuff there)
This was inspired by the viral video: Evolution of Dance
I mentioned above the Sub-prime debacle going on, well not to be outdone, there is this fun piece of news I got this morning:
Villaraigosa to unveil L.A. housing plan
The mayor will propose a $5-billion, five-year effort to build homes for the poor and middle class. But some wonder whether it is feasible.
I ain't one of the ones wondering if it's feasible. This city can't keep it's hospitals open, the roads repaired, the tax increase that was suppose to hire more cops got diverted to gang programs that I wrote about earlier: Why Is L.A. Going Down The Crapper?. Now we are going to build "affordable housing"? We never learn. New modern tenements to warehouse the poor. By the time these things fall apart, Mayor (and "former" gang member) Villaraigosa will be long gone...along with his kickbacks.
Hell!!! Now I'm mad again.
I need a happy thought...
I'm going to meet a fellow Rottie at a shooting range in just over a week.. He sent me a list of his guns, and outside of the uniqueness of my black powders, he's got me beat. I'm going to owe him a beer.
I'll close with a song. Most of you (that would be you 7 of twelve) won't like this, but I'm not posting for you. It's got something catchy about it and it's the most requested song on the music station I listen to. Give it a chance and you may get one of them earworms. If you hate it, I didn't post it for you, I just hope it's there years down the road if I ever stumble into this again, I'll wipe the spittle from my chin and go "What the hell?", kinda like when I thought "The Knack" were hot.
Paper Airplanes by MIA
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