Friday, October 03, 2008

The Obama Youth Movement: UPDATED

I'm sure most of you have seen the exploitation of children that the supporters of Nobama have gone to: "We're sorry, this video is no longer available". It's been pulled, guess the rumbles of using children singing about the "Great Leader" made them realize they'd pushed the 'Cult of Obama" too far.

Update: (before posting: actually, it's still available, just designated as "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request."

If I can find it again, and I will, I'll update.
UPDATED:Found the bastard. I knew someone would grab it before it disappeared didn't exist.

The two other songs this was compared to were:

From Cabaret: Tomorrow Belongs to Me

and Children Palace

I put these on to give background to this next video. I will admit that if you read the info next to the video at YouTube, the Asst. Dean, when contacted about this video
He assured me that they stopped this "regiment" because they felt the person who was organizing it was pushing his political agenda.

He then asked me, nicely, "what's the main concern? Because I want to understand where you're coming from so that I can figure out how to handle this."

Nicely, I told him that the video looked militant. I told him about the Colburn School video and how it resembles propaganda films from Communist dictatorships. I told him that the US military is frowned upon for going to high schools trying to recruit potential grads into joining their ranks. Why shouldn't we frown upon those who come to a school like yours to encourage kids to worship a politician? One who is not even a president.

I also said that if this was done to make kids feel better about themselves, why do it in the name of Obama? Why not encourage kids to believe in the power of themselves?

Why not indeed? I was always led to believe that the individual was the focus of the liberal party. No longer, I guess. It's sacrificing your self for the good of your neighbors, or I will achieve great things in the name of "this man", and all things I achieve will be because of him alone. If he hadn't existed, I would be nothing, because we know that without the "Great Leader" there was nothing and I had nothing to inspire me to push myself that extra inch.

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