Because we regular people are to stupid to know how to take care of ourselves, the Mayor of San Franfreako is going to implement a tax to punish those who drink sodas.
San Francisco mayor wants to tax stores that sell sodas
Posted: 2007-12-17 20:15:34
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mayor Gavin Newsom wants large grocery stores to help fight obesity by paying fees on sodas and other beverages they sell in San Francisco.
Newsom has asked his staff to prepare a law that would charge retail chains for stocking Coke, Pepsi and other drinks sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. [emphasis-mine]
First thing that they are lying about is that "large grocery stores to help fight obesity by paying fees on sodas and other beverages they sell". I know to the average socialist, this sounds good, the big corporation is going to be penalized for selling unhealthy things to the unawares public,..but, it won't make a dimes worth of difference to the supermarket. The increase from the tax is going to be passed on to the buying public.
Another lie:
If the bill is approved by the Board of Supervisors, money generated from the fee would go toward a city program that emphasizes exercise, diet and other preventative health measures.
Like every other tax that gets passed for some "specific" program, as soon as it starts to generate income, it will be (just till this other "emergency" crisis has passed) absorbed into the General Fund. If they are so worried about obesity, why is it that San Franfreako has the worst record on funding Phys Ed and after school sports?
I am in my mid fifties, I'm 6'2" and weigh 148 lbs. My boy (19) is 6'3"-160 Lbs., and my wife is "some age close to, but less than me", 5'9" and...let's just say she's well within the "normal" weight range. On a given day we may, each, drink anywhere from 0 to 8 cokes, depending on our sugar craving at the time, probably average about 3 per day over the long run. Do we get a rebate if we buy a soda in that city? Of course not, we should be overjoyed to pay some 5' 7", 300 lb. fatass's medical bills because they don't have the sense to cut back on their calories.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother. Well in this case, he is heavy, matter of fact, he's fuckin' fat and he ain't my brother, cousin or in-law, so I have no responsibility to pay his medical bills because they're to fucking lazy to take a stroll around the block 2 or 3 times a week.
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