Ack!! The damn intertubey thing wouldn't work all yesterday. To bad for all my readers because, man, did I have some cutting, insightful opinions just screaming to be unleashed. I had the answers to immigration, the presidential race, and why, "when you decide"...after trying every variation of a product, this is the one I love and will use for the rest of my life, no matter the cost...they discontinue it.
My good mood passed, so now ya'll will have to wait for these answers until my disposition swings back that way. Let's see, I was in a good mood yesterday...so the next one should hit about November 2010.
Well November 2010, or when my RAIDERS win another Super Bowl, so I'd keep my hopes on 2010.
I didn't see it covered in the news, but I'm sure my being cut off from blogging was due to the severe cold snap currently hitting the area. Would you believe it was down to 45 degrees last night? Yeah, it's true forty-five degrees. I put on a jacket to step outside the front door and read the thermometer, so I know it's true. I'd heard it could get that cold, my parents told me it had been that cold before, but I was very young so I really don't remember. I think this childhood memory may be the reason for my deep-seated aversion to walking through the frozen food section of a supermarket (brrrr).
It's funny, but while I write this I find that I'm still in a good mood. I just don't think I'm gonna ruin the feeling by delving into deep subjects right now. Keep checking back, maybe if I hit one of those only half pissed off moods I'll give you the answers you seek.
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