Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's Going To Be a LOOONNGG Week

I was off work yesterday and was suppose to be off today, but I got a phone call at 8:00 AM "requesting" my presents to cover the afternoon shift. I counter offered to split the shift (1-5) with the night guy which was accepted...except, could I come in at 11 AM because the foreman had to meet with someone off site.

Normally I don't mind a little OT, but one of the Operators is on vacation so to cover his shift I will be working 12 hour shifts (starting tomorrow) for the next 7 days. That means no Christmas Eve, no Christmas for me.

Work is getting better, we got a new injection well going this week, and it can actually take all the water we can throw at it. The problem now is getting producing wells that have been idle for around a year to work, so in a couple of days, we went from to much water to not enough. The more wells we have going, the easier it is to run the site, so here's hoping they got the three wells down due to electrical problems running yesterday.

I don't ask about these things when I'm off because I don't want to know until I drive through the gates. There's nothing I can do about it till I get there, and why start worrying before I have to deal with it. Some guys call before shift, hoping for an easy day, only to be disappointed. Why set yourself up to be in a bad mood before you need to? I prefer to let the bad mood creep on as the day progresses. At least I have a few hours of optimism to start the week.

If my posts start to get a little strange(er), it will most likely be fatigue setting in.

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