Friday, January 13, 2006

Judge Cashman Must Be Gone

This (Judge) Dictator must be removed from the bench now.  He, on his own decided he no longer believes in punishment.  Excuse me for not grasping this, but what exactly is the point of the criminal justice system if not to punish someone for breaking with the rules set down by a society?

This is a case of a scumbag, Mark Hulett, raping a child, repeatedly, over a four year period.  The sentence. 60 days in jail, because he couldn’t receive therapy while incarcerated.  His ass should be in jail for (forever) at least eight years. Then he can get therapy, although it will probably be for Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome when the inmates find out he likes to rape little girls.  At least he could then sympathize with his victim.  If he misses one session with his therapist, back to jail for another two years.

Word on the street is that Cashman was a Republican and a hard liner in the past.  If he was, then something happened on the way to the store.  I would lean towards drugs and/or a major mid-life crisis.  Others might say that he realized that jailing people for a mental disorder isn’t justice.  To them I say bite me.  If going to therapy and having someone tell you it’s not your fault, you’re sick, is restitution for what this little girl is going to go though for the rest of her life, you obviously have no empathy or soul.

I fail to see where this became a case of how this affects Mark Hulett’s life?  I don’t know Mark Hulett and G-d help him if I ever met him.  I don’t know Edward Cashman and G-d help him if I ever meet him.    

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