If you saw my last post, you'll understand that I was a bit stressed about my son starting to drive.
When I told the wife I was going to take him out for a test run, her only concern was "You aren't going to yell at him are you?"
I promised I wouldn't...unless he did something so damn stupid that he damn well deserved to be yelled at.
So, I took him out and for the first time "legally" driving (he admitted a while ago that friends had let him try) and he didn't do to bad.
Now the only vehicle we have is a F-150 Supercab with the 8 foot bed, and to be honest, even though I've driven school buses and small tank trucks, sometimes the damn size of it makes me uncomfortable.
His main problem is the lack of faith in oncoming traffic. He shies away, towards the parked cars on the right not trusting the car coming the other way will stay on their side of the line.
Only once did I actually panic and go "left,left,left,left,LEFT, and at the next stop light, I was able to rapidly (and calmly) explain my concern and how to avoid giving his old man a coronary in the future.
While I remained completely composed throughout most of our 45 minute jaunt, just pointing out things to watch for. Like braking distance as related to speed. looking for back-up (and/or brake) lights while passing diagonally parked cars, any kid/teenager/idiot walking down the street. And above all, "Always count on that person is going to do the dumbest thing you can think of, so be ready for it."
When we got home, all I could think was "Damn, I need a beer", I popped one and then started to notice that my right leg was cramping up. I'm guessing I had had been pushing down with that leg for the entire drive. I finished 3/4 of the beer I opened and fell asleep due to fatigue.
I've had a day to recoup, so I guess we can give it another try.
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