If you've been a regular to my site (Haahaahaaha, OK, I'm over it now), you'll notice a new thing on the right sidebar, "Endorsements". I'm going with Fred Thompson for the next election.
He is a true Federalist..if the constitution doesn't specifically mention it, it's not the Fed's job, it's up to the individual States. If enough States decide it should be Federal law, pass an amendment.
I've heard all the lame crap about he's lazy, he's just an actor, etc.
From The Globe and Mail:
THE PRESIDENT of the United States from 2008 to 2012 will be one of the following three people: Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney.
It’s rather early in the election season for such pointed speculation. But a look at the situation reveals that the prediction is not all that chancy.
It is now almost certain that Mrs. Clinton is going to be the Democratic nominee. Fred Thompson is the most likely choice for the Republican nomination, but he could not beat Hillary Clinton in the fall.
Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Romney are the only two Republicans with a shot at the nomination who could defeat Hillary Clinton.
Republican candidate Sam Brownback, a dark horse, said the other day that if the Republicans nominate Mr. Thompson it’s political suicide. He’s right. Most polls show that, going head-to-head against Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Thompson would lose by 2-1. The former Tennessee Senator would be the Barry Goldwater of 2008. He is too right-wing to appeal to enough moderates to win and he is too prone to incredible gaffes.
I've heard it before and I hope history repeats itself.
HT: Emperor Misha I @ The Rott
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