Friday, August 24, 2007

Tour of an Middle Eastern City

It's a little long, mainly repetitious towards the end, but this is where centuries of muslim culture has gotten them.

We're always told of the great scientific and philosophical advancements they made up through their crusade up to Spain. Then funny thing, the advancements stopped.

Of course, if you listen to the asshats over at like this one "tribe":
Afghanistan is neither a Muslim country or a country that thrives on oil. Afghanistan's highest export is fucking opium. It has nothing to do with oil.

Afganistan, not muslim? Then who the hell are the taliban, al queda and the mujahideen?

As far as opium, don't they know the price of heroin on the market? if they'd quit trying to kill each other and OPEC it, they could get some of the booty, rather than the middle man. You put Pablo Escobar over there, he'd be making a nickel a pod rather than five pods for a nickel ( or however they sell the crap).

Of course these arguments have little bearing here, as Medina is actually located in Saudi Arabia, the richest kingdom in the ME.
Check out the Urban Renewal of the beeeatifuuull city of Medina.

Medina Flying:

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