Saturday, August 04, 2007

From a Front Battling PC

Want to know what's in store for the U.S. if we keep up with the crap the Politically Correct crowd is continuously foisting on us?

Go read this posting from someone living in Eunikistan and is watching his neighboring country swirl the bowl. The Death of Sweden
According to them, this is done in order to fight against capitalist exploitation and for a global, classless society. Their logic goes something like this: If you protest against Muslim immigration, you suffer from Islamophobia, which is almost the same as xenophobia, which is almost the same as racism. And racists are almost Fascists and Nazis, as we all know, and they shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions in public. Hence, if you protest against being assaulted or raped by Muslims, you are evil and need to be silenced. If a native Swede is really lucky, he or she will thus first get mugged or battered by Muslims, and then beaten up a second time by his own extreme Leftists for objecting to being beaten the first time.

You can't say you don't see signs of this here. CAIR wants it so if you se someone if you notice someone acting tense and out of the ordinary, and the guy is Middle Eastern looking and you point it out to someone, you are a racist ! Doesn't matter what the prvocation was. La Raza says if you report 15 guys living in the 2 bdrm house down the block, you are a racist!

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