For the last 4 1/2 months we have sent personel, helicopters and supplies plus $6 million worth of medical, engineering and refueling equipment to the Pakistani government.
So I'd like to know, are these people pictured burning President Bush in effigy the moderate Muslims we've been hearing about. Don't they look at and notice the insignia on the side of the helicopters bringing in food and medicine, or the uniforms of the people distributing said items.
Myself, I've had it with the ingrates. The Pakistanis are suppose to be our great allies in the WOT and at a "provocation" that didn't even involve us, they start swarming and blaming the U.S. I have had enough of being generous to people that cannot appreciate America's largess. If we are the "Great Satan", don't take our aid. Let your Muslim brothers dig you out of shitty little piles of rubble.
For more on this go to Michelle Malkin's site
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