Hat tip to Radical Redneck, who posted this pic at the Rott.
The Obamessiah has once again shown that there is no one that is not expendable in his run for President. This time it isn't just a person he's thrown under the bus, but all the congregates of Trinity United Church of Christ. He's finally decided that what he thought he was hearing for the last 20 years really wasn't what was being said.
If you need examples of what the sermons where about go here:
"When You See These Videos You Will Never Vote for Barack Obama" from The Patriot Room
When the central tenet of your churches philosophy is based on "Black Liberation Theology", where you have to accept that to be a true Christian you believe God is going to kill all whites...that if you make money, you must give it all up for the sins of your fathers...in order to for this country progress, the U.S. Constitution must be torn up and rewritten...and any means to accomplish these goals is justified. (Kinda sounds like another bothersome theology.)
Of course he made the announcement on a Saturday, so let's see if the story sticks around till Monday when people sorta pay attention to the news again, but then we still have to deal with "Obama's inerrancy" as far as the left and the MSM (redundancy) are concerned.

By Eric Allie
© 2008
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