So anyway, here are the things that I wanted to try.
1) Putting a picture, somewhere besides the top of the post.

That worked very well. Why I didn't think of that a long time ago is beyond me. I probably could have asked one of the other Blogsnot users that I visit how they did it, but I'm hardheaded and sometimes just like to figure it out the hard way on my own.
2) Embed a YouTube player and have it work.
This is to easy.
I picked Bowie because he and Pink Floyd are sharing the number one spot in the Rock'n'Roll category. I picked this song just because it's newer and on the album the last line during the fade out where he's listing all the people that say "hi", he includes 'Your big fat dog" which just cracked me up the first time I caught it. We had a Lab, that was a runt, so her legs were a little shorter than normal and she got very round as she got older and I would just call her "Fat Dog". A dumb story I know, but I started to give you the reason and that's it.
Well, this went well for attempting new things, so I think I'll leave off here before I try something and mess up and have to stay up all night trying to repair the damage.
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