Raiders 16 - Vikings 13
They really didn't deserve it with the way they played, but then the Vikings should have done a better job and proved they were the better team.
After last week with the lack luster performance and few penalties, the Raiders reverted to form this week with aggressive play, but lots of stupid penalties.
Brooks (QB) didn't impress me at all. I don't know if the guys don't feel he's a leader, of he just hasn't grasped the system, but he seems to be ineffective and about a half step slow with his decisions.
The part I liked was that they gave Walter some decent play time and he didn't disappoint. He threw a couple of interceptions, but as an almunus of ASU, every QB that has come out of there has a tendency to throw 1 or 2 a game. Jake Plummer with *spit* Denver *spit* was a product of ASU.
The end of the game was horrendous, and in the regular season, the Vikings would have gone for OT, but this puts us at 2-0, which should make the team more upbeat that they play that poorly and still pull one out, at least until they meet with Coach Shell next practice.
I watched part of the game. Brooks is a moblie quarterback and has the ability to run but I was never impressed with his passing skills. But he used to put a whuppin on Tampa Bay with his mobility.
I don't pay a whole lot of attention to win and loss in preseason. Most of the times the coaches are not after the win as much as evaluating players. I think the Raiders have a chance to play five hundred or better ball this year if they can get a defense together. And they can do that if Sapp will play ball instead of running his mouth
It's been a long dry spell for Raider fans, so I'm just enjoying the wins because I think you're right, we're about a .500 team this year.
When the season starts and if we start losing, then posting won't be fun.
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