Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Closed v Controlled

I was just listening to a discussion on border policy and, once again I heard the phrase "close the border". I don't know where this comes from except the extremes on both sides of this issue.

The Left uses it to indicate that conservatives hate people of a non-white Christian nature. The Nazi's use it in as a way to prove the left correct.

The actual truth is in the middle. Gee, surprise , surprise.

Most of the people in the U.S. want the borders CONTROLLED. We want to know who is here and why. You want a job and there is a job for you, come on in. You got TB, lets clear that up before you come in and take that job as a a cook at Denny's.

The argument that if someone wants to have control over who is in this country is a racist is just BS. Just let us know who you are and what you're gonna do to support yourself and everything fine. It may take a little time to do the paperwork, but wait till you go to DMV for your drivers license, you'll really find out about forever.

If a wall is what it takes to achieve this, then a wall needs to be built. Believe me, if you come here and participate in the opportunities this country makes available, your grandchildren will be thankful for this protection.