Now you know how Pelosi, Boxer and Waxman keep getting elected.
Yeas, she does praise Bush for his stance on small businesses, but if she's a Republican then I'm sure the party left me.
How about some fun news:
Eighty-Six Year Old Texas Grandma Chases Intruder Away with a Can of "Raid" - Video 7/24/09
Go, Granny Go!!1
H/T Freedom's Lighthouse
Here's a man who doesn't know when to sit down and keep his mouth shut.
Now let's see if there is a mistrial. The hearing was tainted by his outburst and may prejudice the outcome.
And just to show there is a state out there trying to give Kalifornia a run for it's money:
Wienermobile in the doghouse with Hawaii's Outdoor Circle
The Oscar Mayer Wienermobile's recent O'ahu visit did not cut the mustard with the Outdoor Circle.
The nonprofit Outdoor Circle, best known for helping push Hawai'i's strict billboard ban through the 1927 Territorial Legislature, said the Wienermobile violates a recently enacted state law that bars vehicles used primarily to advertise or promote a service or product.
I swear that people like this are just trying to suck all the fun out of life. I can remember when I was a kid counting the days until the Wienermobile was going to show up at our local supermarket. I got to meet "Lil Oscar" (bet he's's so non-PC to hire
For a close out, a just toooo damn cute story:
Blind border collie gets his own guide dog

Black and white hound Clyde is totally blind and relies on his partner and fellow collie Bonnie to guide him everywhere.
She stays inches from Clyde's side while guiding him on walks or to food or water, and lets him rest his head on her haunches whenever he becomes disorientated.
AAaahhh!!! It got dusty in here.
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