I received an Email from Chris a week ago. After all his moaning about being posted to Korea, he's was considering committing himself to staying in Korea for an extra year.
It's not that he's any happier about being there, but if he signs on to stay there he gets a significant pay raise starting the day he signs the contract. He's got things he wants to buy and that cash will come in handy.
He asked me my opinion and I gave him a couple of pluses and minuses that I could see to start with and told him to work it through and figure out if he could be content stuck there...and to keep in mind when it's time to move, they could send him ANYWHERE. Of course being the Army they could send him anywhere at any time anyway.
For me, it would be great! I would love to see part of Asia and another year would help getting some money together to travel there comfortably.
I didn't hear from him for a week.
Last night he called. He still hasn't decided, but is leaning strongly in favor of the extension. His buddy from Ft. Rucker is posted at Camp Humphrey and they are rooming together. Their first order of business, get internet hookup.
After all those weeks of training in AirOps, the job they are looking to slot him into is...Driver for a Staff Sergeant. (G-d I love the military.) I don't know what this duty would entail, but someone has to do it, I guess.
Please read the first comment. My son informs me of my lack of knowledge of how the military operates. (I wondered why a lowly SSgt. would get a personal driver) I figure I'll grasp all the nomenclature and rules of the Army at about the end of his enlistment.
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