The Los Angeles Lakers won their 15th Championship title and being I'm SoCal born and raised, I love my Lakers (and Dodgers, and Kings, and still love the Raiders...sorry Clippers and Rams).
There will be no victory parade:
...such a celebration could cost the city $1 million or more at a time when city leaders, faced with a deep budget deficit, were contemplating worker layoffs and cuts in services.
"We can't afford to cover the costs," City Councilwoman Jan Perry told the Los Angeles Times. "How could we make a decision about people's jobs and then sponsor the parade?"
Barbara Maynard, a spokeswoman for the city's employee unions, agreed, telling the paper: "We do not believe its appropriate in this economic climate for taxpayers to be funding a parade."
Oops...never mind, I just this minute heard the parade is on. Guess the city isn't as broke as they were telling us. Either that or somehow the parade can be added to the next stimulus bill somehow.
Of course living here in Los Angeles, we just can't let a good chance to riot be wasted.
LOS ANGELES — Hundreds celebrated in the streets outside Staples Center after the Los Angeles Lakers' NBA title win Sunday night, with some revelers damaging police cruisers, throwing rocks and bottles at officers and setting bonfires in the street, authorities said.
About 25 people were arrested, most part of a rowdy crowd that split off on to surrounding streets after police declared the gathering an unlawful assembly, officer Karen Rayner said.
I'm sure the owner of this car is really celebrating the Laker win today:

I was at work last night about 1/2 mile from Staples Center when the game finished. I heard LOTS of sirens and horns honking, but the crap was kept in a small area.
When I left for work, my son asked if I was going to take protection? I decided no, the games in Florida, how insane can people get here?
Next L.A. championship...I will reconsider.
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