Well, it's my Friday.
Off for a day and 3/4 then 7 on graveyard shift (then 5 1/2 off).
Haven't posted in a bit because they've been making me work (the bastards), so by the time I get done reading all my other sites when I get home, there isn't the time or the energy to post all the things I have marked.
Today I just want to hit a few of the things I meant to do the last few days.
GuyK demanded that I go over here and read this: "McCain's Better Half" at Tall Cool Drink of Water
Conservatives see a problem and figure out how they're fix it. Libs whine about the gov't not throwing money at the the problem.
A bunch of stuff from Hot Air:
McCain: Obama’s running for Carter’s second term
Just "Oh God, Noooo...!!!!" I lived through Jimmy Peanut's "change" which sounds an awful lot like Barack's "change". Now I know why so many of his supporters are young, they didn't have to go through gas lines and incredible inflation and "malaise". They probably think we're old farts and are exaggerating the ordeal through senility.
I know I'll come back to this subject in more detail, but wanted to get this story in: So when will Congress act on gas prices?
We expect the rest of the world to rape their ecosystem, but ours is somehow sacrosanct and shouldn't be impacted, nay...even touched. The ultimate in elitist thinking, but the world shouldn't hate us for that.
We were told, oh about 7 years ago that if we produced ANWAR, it wouldn't do any good for 7 years. Some of that oil trickling in about now probably would have been a good thing.
Congress isn't going to do anything about the price of oil now or after the elections. Gov't (Fed, state, local) get 24% of every dollar spent on gas, with no investment, while the oil company get 8.5% with trillions in investment. You tell me who's getting "Windfall Profits"?
On the Dhimitude of the free world: Anglicans: British gov’t pays more attention to Islam than to us; British gov’t: Of course we do
Because the ragheads are going to riot and burn if their fweelings are hurt, we better make sure they are front of the line for gov't attention. Won't matter if giving in to them dilutes or removes the rights of a majority of the population, can't have cars burning on the evening news like in Fwance.
Listen to a MP Ms Blears:
It is “common sense” for Christianity to be sidelined at the expense of Islam, a Government minister claimed on Sunday…
She said it was right that more money and effort was spent on Islam than Christianity because of the threat from extremism and home-grown terrorism.
It gets better.
She added: “We live in a secular democracy. That’s a precious thing. We don’t live in a theocracy, but we’ve always accepted that hundreds of thousands of people are motivated by faith. We live in a secular democracy but we want to recognise the role of faith.”
Secular democracy? England? Even I know about Henry VIII, but I'll let the Rt Rev Stephen Lowe, Bishop for Urban Life and Faith of The Church of England rebut.
“She said we live in a secular democracy. That comes as news to me – we have an established Church, but the Government can’t deal with Christianity.”
great britain, shave your heads, lock your women away and get ready to pray at the appointed hours, or pay your dhimi tax, you are done.
That's all the Hot Air stuff. I saved the best for last. Got this through Sig94 who sent me to Transsylvania Phoenix to read this post: The British called, they want their guns back
I'll post the You Tube here just to peak your interest.
So maybe I shouldn't write the Brit's off to fast. I just hope we can look at what a crock and failure this was and not make the same mistake.
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