Haven't been around for the last few days. I had my "weekend" which was half relaxing and half busy. The ultimate insult, was that over they last two days at work, those bastards actually wanted me to do some physical labor. Worse than that I had to design, get the tools together, the supplies necessary and put the whole mess together.
Two of the best days I've had in a long time, and there is a project for tomorrow.
I got hurt today. I slipped in some oil and while catching myself I wrenched my left elbow pretty good. Didn't know it for an hour or so after work, but bad enough that I tried some "ICY Hot" that smelled nice, but did nothing. A half hour with a heating pad, and I fell good enough to type.
I don't take meds!!! I haven't taken an aspirin, or anything else in over three years, but this time it hurt. I still haven't taken any pharmaceuticals. The heat and slowly working it out (I think it was a strained tendon) but I've got about 98% movement back without pain.
We'll see tomorrow whe I wake up.
What the hell does this have to do with buffalo farts, nothing I just dropped by the Rott and found this post: A ClueClubbing™ Of Astronomical Proportions
I haven't even had a chance to read the comments, but just reading the blockquote made me want to post:
I would like to point out that before the introduction of cattle, millions upon millions of buffalo dominated the Great Plains of America. They were so thick you could not see where the herd started and where it ended. I can only assume that the anti-meat, manmade global warming crowd must believe that buffalo farts have more socially redeeming value than the same flatulence emitted by cattle. Yes, this is absurd, but the deeper one looks into this global warming juggernaut, the weirder this movement becomes and the more denial is evident. (Emphasis mine—B.)
This made my arm feel better also.
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