Thursday, February 22, 2007

I Really Wanted to Post

I have had things to post on, but I've been leery about putting things on. Google has taken over Blogsnot and wants me to "upgrade" to their "easier to use" template. It's tempting and I think I'll give it a try.

My fear is my history with using upgrades. I can safely say about 90% have given me trouble, anywhere from just requiring fine tweaking to total system crash.

The assure me that they will save a copy of my old template, but if it's a total screw up, I may not be able to get back to the old one.

I have copied and save a hard copy, so I hope that saves me a little grief if only minor problems arise.

If things look a little askew here for the next week or so, you can be assured I'm trying to fix the problems, but I'm not a programmer, so it may take a bit of research and begging friends for hints.

Wish me luck.

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