Sunday, February 18, 2007

Brit Hume Rips Murtha

From Hot Air

Damn, I love Brit Hume. The man is smart and lays the facts on the line. Today on Fox News Sunday, he let Murtha have it on his position on the Iraqi War, stopping just short of calling him senile.

Hume: Murtha is not “well informed about what’s going on over there [Iraq]” and he doesn’t have the “foggiest awareness of what the heck is going on in the world.”

'Nuff said.


Anonymous said...

Brit Hume has been right about nothing since this war began. If he and bill Kristol worked for any company in the world and shown such consistent incompetence they would have been fired long ago. Brit Hume should become a professional wrestling commentator; he has no business commenting on anything that actually affects real peoples live. Let's let the adults be in charge, not fake tough guys playing dress up. None of these guys went to war. Chicken hawk cowards!! Like Bush and Cheney.

SoCalOilMan said...

Brit hasn't been right about anything? Well he said the war was in Iraq and Afghanistan, so you'll have to concede he got that right. And just because they hold different views than you, I doubt that makes them incompetent. Actually, the fact they piss you off so much makes me respect them more.

The chicken hawk crap is hip deep BS. That argument means your opinion doesn't mean snot either being you didn't say you served. Your argument being if you've never been to war, you cannot have an opinion involving war. I guess we should trust Matt Lauer's opinion over Hume's although Lauer has never been to war or enlisted.

Bush flew F-102's ( a notoriously unstable plane in the National Guard. At least he served, unlike a certain other president who signed letters of commitment, only to back out after dragging it out as long as possible, and taking us into a war with no national interests involved.