Here's a couple of tests I took:
On Personal Freedom
Your Score: Let freedom ring!
You scored

You feel that "only i know what is best for me", or you feel that people should be limited in rare situations but generally free to do whatever they want, so long as it will not hurt other people or affect others personal freedom. Laws and regulations should only be used on people who want to limit others personal freedom.
Am I a Cowboy, Ninja, Pirate or Knight
Your Score: a Cowboy
You scored 6 Honor, 6 Justice, 9 Adventure, and 2 Individuality!

Well pardner, the thing that drives you is a sense of adventure. You're willing to play by the rules, but only so long as you've got open territory to cover and new frontiers to explore. You don't need much and you don't ask much.
Strap on your six gun and wear your Stetson proud. I think you'll do just fine
I tried to be honest with my answers, but these tests are user written and just for fun. It was something to keep me awake besides playing Spider Solitaire.
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