Woke the boy up yesterday to do his brakes, but he hadn't picked up the parts yet and then I couldn't get to sleep. Not usually a problem with me. If I can lean against something and close my eyes, I can nod off if I want.
Back in the days when I worked a normal schedule, I would watch the end of 11 o'clock news, slide down in bed and be asleep before the "Tonight Show" theme would play.
I use to have a Boss/friend that would suffer from insomnia, but I believe his problem was when he couldn't fall off, he would seriously worry about not falling asleep, thus sending himself into one of those vicious cycles that feeds off itself.
I never really worried, figuring that when I get tired enough, I'll fall asleep.
In 50+ years, I can only think of, maybe, 5 or 6 times I really couldn't sleep for more than one or twos days.
I did get to sleep for about 3 1/2 hours, but as I said yesterday, today was a
I did luck out. When the foreman moseyed in around 8 this morning, he laid out all the big projects he had planned. I just said "Bob will be very excited about getting these things done when he come in at 9, I've got to go do my final rounds and oil up the equipment".

I did get a chance to cruise the web last night, but to tell the truth, I can't remember a whole lot of what I read.
If I can't sleep today, it'll most likely be one of those times tomorrow that I'll get home and sleep for 18 to 24 hours straight.
The only problem when this happens is 1) I lose a whole day of the five I have off, and 2) when I wake up, I am STARVING and either will find that everything in the house must be eaten now, or just the idea of eating anything makes me want to puke.
Thank G-d for beer, "liquid bread" it always seems to fit the bill, however, drink one or two beers on an empty stomach and you want to go back to sleep.
Ahh well, I've managed to survive five years on this schedule, I guess I make make a few more.
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