Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The NY Times and Treason

Once again the NY Times has released the details of top secret operations that were in use to track terrorists sworn to destroy the West. The Time's goal, particularly in this case, was not to warn the public of violations of law, as they even wrote that there was nothing they could find that was illegal in the process. Their argument that it could have led to illegal snooping just doesn't cut it.

Personally, I would love to see the editor and writers involved in this charged and sentenced for treason, but according to the law, this cannot happen. A newspaper cannot be prosecuted for what it prints unless it's libelous.

The printing of these stories is really not what upsets me the most. What is most disturbing is the person(s) who gave this information to the press. Someone who had taken an oath not to reveal classified documents to anyone. These are the ones that should be found and tried. If not for their actions there would have been no story to print.

Once these traitors are found, they should be given what ever maximum sentence the Feds can dig out of a jury. Harsh sentencing is needed to show any person who works in State or Intelligence that regardless of their personal feelings about policy, they are only a cog and do not set policy. If they disagree so much they refuse to be involved, resign, it's a free country. At least it is now, but not for long if treason continues to be overlooked.


Blackiswhite, Imperial Agent Provocateur said...

When their sales drop to zero and no one will buy an apple, let alone a paper from them, then maybe they'll get it.

GUYK said...

Yeah, with friends like the NY TIMES we don't need any enemies