Thursday, September 10, 2009

Global Warming....Change....Cooling

Somethings happening here!

We are still dealing with the Station Fire here. The weather in my valley has cleared, but the fire has just moved on down the mountains and the fire crews are getting a handle on it.

The fire was arson and I don't think Linda Sanchez was talking about what caused the fire itself, but what caused it to grow so big, so fast.

Well, California is in a drought, and it was hotter than hell when the fire started, so it must be AGW that caused this to happen...right?

Aahh, No!

Turns out that Global Cooling causes droughts in California, but never let a crisis go to waste and don't bother with facts asd they just muddle up the message. Besides, I'm sure that Global Cooling is caused by Global Warming somehow.

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