Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Good Return For Our Money

Another blogger pointed out this PSA to show that Barney Frank backed ACORN. It's a blink and you missed it shot, but it is in there, and there is enough documentation and records from the Senate floor, and from committee hearings to prove where the dog got his fleas, so I'm not going to quibble.

ACORN Grassroots Democracy Campaign

The part that got me was at 8:25...they, over the last 10 years have given out $15 billion in benefits to people...out of the $85 billion they have received in grants.

Math time: $15 billion/$85 billion = 17.65% goes to the people they are helping and 82.35% goes to the organization.

Sound like the "Cash for Clunkers" program, such a deal $1.22 billion paid out to get "bad" cars off the road....but $1.66 billion for the government to handle the paperwork.

Why, oh why do I not trust the government to handle any program in a cost effective way?

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