Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Someone, Please!! Tell Me What Is Going On: Updated

This has reached epidemic proportions now.

Via: Newsbusters
Not the Catholic Church? MSM Mum About Huge L.A. School Sex Abuse Scandal
By Dave Pierre | May 19, 2008 - 09:28 ET

A major child sex abuse scandal has erupted in the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Where's the national media?

* Steve Thomas Rooney faces 13 felony sex-related counts, including charges that he had unlawful sex with two female students, ages 13 and 14, during the time he was an assistant principal at a middle school. And here's the kicker: In August 2007 LAUSD assigned Rooney to his job even though it knew that police had investigated him about an alleged sexual relationship with a student at his previous job at a high school. The former high school girl has since testified that Rooney impregnated her. (LAT coverage)
* KNX 1070 Newsradio has reported "21 teachers and administrators have been yanked from schools in the past year because of allegations of inappropriate sexual contact with kids." Most of the cases happened since only January of this year.
* Two LAUSD administrators face criminal charges for failing to report suspected child abuse by a substitute teacher. Yet LAUSD has sent the pair back to work at school! (LAT)
* During interviews, LAUSD Superintendent David Brewer has often come across utterly uninformed on the scandal. (Listen to this must-hear KNX audio.)
* When LAUSD Deputy Superintendent Ramon Cortines was questioned over the phone about the scandal by KNX reporter Charles Feldman, Cortines became agitated and hung up on Feldman. (Hear the audio.) In discussing the scandal with KNBC-TV in Los Angeles, Cortines defiantly responded, "This is not out of the ordinary for school districts all over the nation. These things happen."

Twenty-one!! Twenty-one teachers under investigation for sexual abuse...with most of them occurring since last January?

I had read about the cluster of cases over in Florida, and other cases scattered around the country, but I hadn't heard word one about this going on in the LAUSD, and one of the reasons is the answer of LAUSD Deputy Superintendent Ramon Cortines uses the "Well, it's happening everywhere" dodge.

Cortines is correct though, it is happening all over the nation. WorldNetDaily has a list that they update of the female teachers that have been busted for sex with students: "The big list: Female teachers with students". The list is much longer since the last time I looked at it.

It's been 36 years since I got of HS, and Glendale Unified was a relatively small district back then, with good teachers. I can only remember one teacher in my senior year that talked politics, outside of history and gov't classes, and there was never a slant. We got both sides and were allowed to debate. This was all during the hippy years of the Viet Nam War, LBJ & Nixon, all that crap.

My kid just graduated last year and he would tell me that his math teacher would go off on a 20 minute "discussion" on Bush, Iraq, etc in the middle of class, then go back to what he was suppose to be teaching.

Teachers today just do not seem to be the professionals they were back in the day. For them to steal time from students is nothing (to them).

Why are there all these teachers (I'm sure there are males that should be on a list, but the women have a shock value) suddenly unable to control themselves? What could cause these people to become involved with a kid literally half their age?

Narcissism: (A need for excessive admiration. Will use others to achieve her / his goals. Lacks empathy) of the wonderful benefits to come out of the "Free-love" and "Me" generation.

All guys had at least one hawt teacher they would fantasize about, I had two, but no matter how much extra attention they gave you, you knew it wasn't to be.

That was then, today:

Update: I haven't changed anything above, though after reading the story for this update, I now feel really ill.

Woman charged with kidnap, rape of 10-year-old student

A former elementary school teacher in Tacoma, Wash., is behind bars for allegedly kidnapping and raping her 10-year-old student numerous times.

Jennifer Rice, 31, is said to have met the fourth-grade boy shortly after being hired last year as a replacement teacher at McKinley Elementary School.

10 years old. I cannot conceive how sex could enter into a relationship between a 31 year old and a ten year old. I want to puke. If this had happened to my kid, there would be blood and death involved.

According to the Tacoma School District, Rice was hired last October and placed on leave in April. Her contract was not renewed after McKinley Elementary received complaints she was socializing inappropriately with students.

So rather than anything being done to call attention to her activities, they put her "on leave", I'm sure with pay, so she was able to get one more quicky in.

I see no "caring about the Chiiilledren" here. I see a Union holding onto power and a bureaucratic system trying to deny they have lost all control of what is happening around them.

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